Dr. Marlyn A. Cook
Dr. Cook is a member of the Grand Rapids First Nation
in Manitoba. A graduate of the University of Manitoba (M.D.), she currently
practices Family Medicine in the James Bay area, where she is Chief of Staff
and Director of the Traditional Healing Program. Among her previous positions
are Co-Chair, First Nations Task Force on Child and Family Services (in
Winnipeg, Manitoba), Consultant to the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
(Winnipeg), Province of Manitoba Medical Examiner, University of Manitoba
Faculty of Medicine’s Traditional Teachings Program – Debriefing Tutorials, and
Assistant Director, Clinical Operations, at the First Nations and Inuit Health
Branch of Health Canada (Winnipeg).
Marlyn Cook has sat on numerous Committees
and Boards, including the Swampy Cree AIDS Steering Committee, the Manitoba
Chapter of the College of Family Physicians of Canada Board, the Mino-Ayaawin
Advisory Committee of the Native Women’s Transition Centre, the Thompson
General Hospital Perinatal Mortality Committee, and the Balancing Choices and
Opportunities in Sciences and Technology for Aboriginal People National
Steering Committee. She was also the Chair of the Facility Planning Committee
and a Board Member at the Sioux Lookout Mino-Ya-Win Health Centre. Dr. Cook is a Member of the Ontario College of the Family Physicians, the First Nations
and Inuit Health Branch Drug Utilization Evaluation Committee, the National
Pharmaceutical Therapeutics Committee (FNIHB), and the advisory Council of the
Nuclear Waste Management Organization.