Helping Aboriginal People
     Heal Themselves.

Klahoose First Nation

Grant ID:

A Long Way Home: Unravelling the Legacy of Residential Schools

Project Description:
The project will provide individual, couples and family counselling to Survivors and Intergenerationally Impacted people. The counsellor will conduct initial client assessments to ensure that the participants healing needs will be met by the counselling.

The project will provide workshops on Anger Management, Lateral Violence, Conflict Resolution Colonization and Residential Schools to promote healing from the Impacts of Residential School Abuse.

The project will provide talking circles for Survivors to share their stories of Residential School and for their children to learn how Residential Schools have impacted the community.

The project will also provide cultural healing initiatives to assist community members in their emotional and spiritual healing.

End Date:
March 31, 2010

AHF Contribution:

Primary Contact:

Mr. Norman Harry, Sr.
Residential School Project Coordinator
Tel: 250-935-6536
Fax: 250-935-6997

Organization Address:

Box 9
Squirrel Cove, BC V0P 1K0
